We all wish to look the same way we did in our twenties when we are well into our seventies. However, for most people, this is an impossible task as mother nature eventually will take its course. On the other hand, we can always try and do our absolute best to help prevent aging. Let’s dive right into it.
Tip number 1. Exercise!
Very few things can damage the iron, but it’s enemy number 1 is its own rust.
Our bodies are very adaptive beings. This trait that we possess is the primary reason we are the dominant species on the planet today. By adaptive, we mean that our body given enough time can find a way to survive and thrive in most environments. You probably have heard the saying “We are creatures of habit” if we are used to working hard labor, after a certain time we will adapt to that. On the other hand, if we create a habit out of lying in bed, our bodies will adapt to that as well and that’s exactly where the rust comes in!
All of that brings us to a very important realization that working out regularly is easy once it becomes a habit.
Exerting our bodies to moderate exercising daily has numerous health benefits which are not only good for longevity but also help us retain our natural beauty as we age.
Benefits for different body parts
- Our skin. Sweating is the natural process that occurs when our body needs to decreaseits own temperature. However, apart from that its beauty benefits are two-fold. Firstly, it releases water from our pores which acts as a filtering system for our bodies to also release the toxins and other substances from our skin cells thus helping our skin remain clean and fresh. Secondly, it reduces the amount of water we have stored in our bodies. Have you ever felt bloated? It’s a real issue among people who are dieting, trying to look skinny and healthy, and replacing regular meals with buckets of water. While this is good in the moderate amount, a couple of glasses of water a day, it’s extremely unhealthy and dangerous for our body to retain that much water. The excess water will cause your body to look fuller and fatter apart from the health risks such as swelling, kidney damage and other.
- Our muscles. Muscles are consistent with many microfibers that run through the length of the entire muscle. Their contracting and expanding is the primary functionality of how we are able to move our joints and our bodies. When our muscles exert themselves, they cause micro-tears into the fibers that create the muscle, we call this “soreness” the day after the exertion. However, those fibers do not tear permanently, with the use of proteins and other enzymes they grow back and multiply after tearing, which in turn causes muscle growth.
- must be asking yourself, why is this important if I want to look good when I’m old?
- because our hearts are muscles as well, the more we exercise the more our heart has topump blood into our body delivering fresh oxygen. While the heart does not have microfibers that tear, it adapts to its circumstances just like our bodies. If we place pressure on our hearts to deliver more fresh oxygen and nutrients around our body quicker, it will do so. Bringing more oxygen and nutrients to our organs, limbs and the skin will, in turn, help it maintain its natural look.
Make sure to exercise moderately and regularly. Putting a lot of strain our yourself at once is not only bad for your looks but it’s also extremely unhealthy.
Tip number 2. Reduce your stress
Stress is one of the leading causes of premature aging in men and women in the world. Every single human being alive on this planet has some sort of issues that are causing them to stress.
But what exactly is stress?
Stress is a chemical response in our bodies. Stressing causes your body to make hormones such as cortisol which tells the glands in your skin to produce more oil. If you have read our blog here, then you are already acquainted with how oily skin is more prone to acne and other
skin problems. Additionally, stress aggravates existing issues such as psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea on top of causing breakouts, rashes, hives and other flare-ups of the skin.
We cannot cut out stress from our lives completely, however, we can learn how to manage it better so it doesn’t affect our health and beauty.
Apart from the skin issue, stress can also cause hair problems. Stressing can hinder the production of the hair follicle and cause the strains to weaken, thus leading to hair loss. Additionally, stress decreases the production of melanin which is responsible for adding color to our hair follicles. This leads to gray hair spawning around your head more often. Last but not least, stressing increases dandruff as sebum gets collected in the hair roots. Dandruff can lead to scalp acne and hair fall.
There are many proven methods of reducing the stress we expose ourselves to daily these are methods such as yoga, exercising, therapy, self-care time, further educating yourself and much more. You will need to find what works best for you and apply that bandage to your stress problems. It will benefit you greatly in the long run health-wise and beauty-wise
If you wish to find out more about how to retain your beauty as you age, we warmly invite you to come to our clinic the Acacia Advanced Medical Center. We offer many promotions and free consultations monthly that can give you invaluable information about taking better care of your body. Additionally, we offer many face and body lift services to help you scalp your perfect image!
What are you waiting for? Because our professionals are waiting for you!